Sunday, September 26, 2010

^ ^

Yesterday I went to a large group garage sale near my home. There were two nice Japanese ladies selling miscellaneous household items. The first time I wandered by their stand they gave me a picture frame for free (it's in my dorm right now), and then I told them that I'm taking Japanese right now and we began a conversation in Japanese. I felt accomplished.


  1. Wow! Having a convsersation in Japanese with strangers--that's brave! Congrats!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. にほんじんはかわいいですね!It's really nice that you can communicate with them!

  4. That's great that you can have a conversation with strangers in Japanese. I heard a guy on the train speaking Japanese on the phone and I really wanted to say "すみません" and talk to him but I was too scared. Good for you!
